Things I swear I’d never do as a parent (and did it anyway).

I’m approaching year 2 of being a mother. It doesn’t seem like it has been that long, but in my head I feel like Im Mathew McConaughey in Intersteller. Time has no relevance when it comes to parenting, and I’m coming off the space ship saying “ Alright alright alright” I knew I wanted to … Continue reading Things I swear I’d never do as a parent (and did it anyway).

Here I am

Greetings, Let this be my first blog. Unless you talk about the whole MySpace thing..would that count as a blog?..or a high school headache. The reason why I have started a blog is simple. I have thoughts that amuse many. I like to entertain. I also have a toddler who is sitting on a camp … Continue reading Here I am